Applications for matching grant must be submitted by February 3rd
Take advantage of a great opportunity to enhance your neighborhood by submitting an application for the Neighborhood Entryway Enhancement Matching Grant Program.
This program provides funding assistance to Novi Homeowners Associations to help them improve their neighborhoods through high-quality, sustainable entranceway beautification projects.
Projects must be intended to beautify a subdivision entrance through significant and permanent physical improvements and must be located on the perimeter of the neighborhood.
Neighborhoods are eligible for a 50 percent match, up to a maximum $5,000. Applications are available now at and must be submitted by February 3. Questions should be directed to [email protected].
Tidy Up Our Entryway With a City Grant
Family Circle Magazine rates Novi as...
One of The Top Ten Best Towns and Cities for Families!

Family Circle Magazine, one of the most widely read monthly magazines around the globe, with a circulation of 3.8 million and more than 20 million readers, has announced the results of its exclusive survey identifying Novi as one of the top ten best towns and cities across the country for families. The top ten communities featured in this annual review of ideal places to call “home” combine affordable housing, good neighbors, green spaces, low crime rate, strong schools, and giving spirits. We are rated #6th!
Source of Information:
Family Circle - August 2011

The newest park to join Novi is Fuerst located at the corner of Ten Mile and Taft Roads, this eight acre park offers a great setting for a leisurely walk while enjoying the inviting landscaping and rolling topography. The 150-seat amphitheater provides lifelong memories with the family-friendly performances taking place May-October. Wi-Fi access is available; users must have a valid Novi Public Library card to connect. The historic Township Hall building and amphitheater are available for small gatherings and can be reserved.
Interesting "Tid Bit" - Learn The History Behind The Name of Our City

where_we_got_the_name_novi_-_history.pdf |